The PIC of INLAND TRUCKING belongs to O.C.S TEAM ( OPERATOR & CUSTOMS SERVICE TEAM), is responsible for ontainer and general cargo trucking, including not only air cargo, but such project as BULK trucking, and combines acquired over many years knowledge and network of specialized transportation.
Based on cargo dimention, We supply exact and rational plan, particulary WE hold wide areas network, that can COVER national MAIN PORTS (Busan, Incheon, Pyungtaek, Kwangyang) to offer quick and safe service DOOR TO PORT and PORT TO DOOR. The most important needs of our costumers are exact "right time and safe transportation", this our goal and relying on it, we are building organized system. To realize our goal, we bring customer's satistfaction and continue as an expert in one of the moisten INLAND TRUCKING SECTOR of TOTAL LOGISTICS.